Informed Insights, or Carping Commentaries

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Bush Administration's "Top 10 Proofs That We Are Winning the War"

1) Attacks by insurgents have gone down

2) Attacks by insurgents have gone up (the "last gasp" of the insurgency)

3) Saddam Hussein, mastermind of the insurgency, is in jail

4) al-Zarquawi, mastermind of the insurgency, is dead

5) There is an elected Iraqi government

6) There is an Iraqi army

7) The benefits the spread of democracy has brought to the Palestinians and the Lebanese

8) Acts of terrorism are taking place en masse in Iraq, not in the U.S.

9) Iraqis are now more focused on killing each other than they are on killing our troops

10)There are still parts of Iraq that are relatively peaceful. Why don't the media report on that? Why don't they report on where there aren't daily suicide bombings and death squad massacres? Because they've got it in for us, that's why. So there.


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